Making Layouts Available to Users

Layouts (the workspace buttons that appear at the top of a page) are available to users according to their logged-in role.

1.From the Configuration Console, click Configure > Users and Permissions > Roles and Permissions to open the Roles and Permissions workspace. The application displays a list of roles.

2.Click a role name from the list. The application displays the Role Details page.

3.Click Top Level Tabs from the toolbar. The application displays the Top Level Tabs page, showing a list of the tabs that are currently available to that role.

Top-Level Tabs

Column Title Description

Tab Title

The display name of the workspace tab.


Specifies how the workspace tab appears in the role interface.


Specifies how the workspace is configured.


Specifies if the workspace is available to the role. If there is a checkmark, this workspace is available to the role. If there is no checkmark, this workspace is not available to the role. If there is an expression icon, there is a hidden expression that determines if the workspace is available to the role.


Specifies if the workspace is initially visible to the role (top level).

Can Close

Specifies if the role user can close the workspace (has a close button).


Permanently removes this tab from the role.


NOTE: This does not delete the workspace from the application.

4.Click Add New Tab. The application displays a list of workspace types.

5.Select a workspace type. The most commonly used type is Object Workspace. The application displays a new tab form.

6.Enter information into the fields.

Field Description


A unique name for the tab.

The Tab Is Available

Makes the tab available to the role.

The Tab Is Initially Visible

Makes the tab initially visible on the top level when a user logs in.

The Tab Can Be Closed By User

Allows the user to close the tab. A Close button appears in the tab.

Hidden Expression

Specifies if the workspace is hidden. Click none to open the Expression Editor. Enter an expression such as $(GetGlobal("FeatureA")) and click Save.


The object workspace for the tab. Choose from the drop-down list.


The layout associated with the workspace. Choose from the drop-down list.

7.Click Add This Tab. The tab now appears on the list for the role.

8.Click Save.